Getting Legal Assistance

Northumberland Community Legal Centre provides information, advice, and representation in specific areas of law. We have procided links for general information, tip sheets, and links to other sources of information.
Call us for help and advice on your specific situation. We assist with Landlord and Tenant law (Tenants only), Welfare and Disability, Worker’s Compensation, Employment law, Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, Employment Standards, Criminal Injuries Compensation law, Ontario Human Rights Code and many other areas of law.

For areas where we cannot assist we will provide referrals to the appropriate agency. Please see our Emergency Resources in Northumberland County to see if there is a referral link that we can help with or call us at 1-800-850-7882.
If you require legal advice in French, please visit the Legal Aid website for details on their clinic law advice lines for francophones. If you live in Eastern Ontario, call 1-877-500-4508.

Les clients francophones ont maintenant accès gratuitement à un service téléphonique d’avis juridique et d’orientation touchant un bon nombre de questions juridiques traitées par les cliniques juridiques communautaires.


We provide information, advice, and representation in specific areas of law. For areas where we cannot assist we will provide referrals to the appropriate agency.


Family Law Information Centre (FLIC)

Family law advice (support, custody, etc.), assistance with forms
Walk-in Clinic at: 860 William Street Cobourg
Basement of the Court House
Monday, Wednesday Friday 1PM – 4PM

Family Law Co-ordinator/Mediator
Focus on issues, negotiation and mediation
Call 905-372-3751 or walk in
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10AM – 3PM

Law Society Referral Service (LSRS)
(Crisis #: 1-800-268-8326)

Contacting LSRS will get you a half hour of free legal advice in the area of law you are looking for. You will get the name of one LRS member lawyer or paralegal as close to your geographic area as possible.

Legal Aid Ontario – 1-800-668-8258

Contact Legal Aid Ontario for assistance with getting a Legal Aid certificate. Applications taken directly at courthouse Wednesdays from 8:45AM – 11AM, every other Monday from 8:45AM – 12PM.

Landlord Self Help Centre
1-800-730-3218 or

A non-profit community legal clinic providing information, summary advice and referrals for small-scale landlords in Ontario.

Law Help Ontario
This site has information about Pro Bono Law Ontario’s projects

Office of the Worker Advisor
Canada-wide Toll Free
Workplace insurance issues
1-800-435-8980 (Service in English)
1-800-661-6365 (Service in French)
1-866-445-3092 (TTY)
Health and safety reprisal issues
1-855-659-7744 (Toll Free)
416-212-5335 (Toronto)
647-723-2089 (Fax)

Email or the use the feedback form.


Community Legal Education Ontario
180 Dundas St. West, Suite 506
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8
Phone: 416-408-4420
Fax: 416-408-4424

Canada Revenue Agency – Individuals and families enquiries — TIPS (Tax Information Phone Service)
Phone: 1-800-267-6999 (Canada and United States)
This automated phone service provides information to individuals and businesses.

– Telerefund
Phone: 1-800-959-1956
This automated phone service provides information about your income tax refund.

– Individual income tax and trust enquiries
Phone: 1-800-959-8281 (Canada and United States)
Call this number for tax information for individuals, trusts, international tax and non-residents, including personal income tax returns, instalments, and RRSPs or to get our forms and publications.

– Benefit enquiries
Phone: 1-800-387-1193 (Canada and United States)
Call this number for information on the Universal child care benefit (UCCB), the Canada child tax benefit (CCTB), the GST/HST credit, and related provincial and territorial programs, as well as the child disability benefit and children’s special allowances.

– Provincial programs for Ontario (PPO)
Phone: 1-877-627-6645 (Canada and United States)
Call this number for enquiries related to the Ontario trillium benefit (OTB) payment—includes the Ontario sales tax credit (OSTC), the Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC), and the Northern Ontario energy credit (NOEC)—the Ontario senior homeowners’ property tax grant (OSHPTG) payment, and the Ontario sales tax transition benefit (OSTTB).

There are speciality clinics that cover certain types of specific issues and ethnolinguistic areas. Please look on the Legal Aid Ontario Website for further information.

Community Resources
For referrals to other community resources call 211 or visit

Local Resources


Northumberland Community Legal Centre (NCLC)
1005 Elgin Street West
Suite 301
Cobourg, ON K9A 5J4
(905) 373-4464

Brighton Satellite Clinic of NCLC
Trinity –St. Andrew’s
Church Office
13 Chapel St., Upper Level
Brighton ON
*Every Second Friday from 9am-11am

Family Law Information
Centre: Court House
860 William Street
Cobourg, ON
(905) 372-3751
*Mon/Wed/Fri: 1pm-4pm

Colborne Satellite Clinic of NCLC
United Church
Corner of Church and Percy Streets
*Every fourth Tuesday of the month from 9am-11am

Campbellford Satellite Clinic of NCLC
Free Methodist Church
73 Ranney Street
*Every second Friday from 11am-1pm

Community Works
Bewdley Optimist Club
Intersection: Lake St. and Main St.
*provides food and clothing
From 3:30pm to 5pm

Mental Health Diversion
155 Oliver Road
Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
(705) 632-2015
Crisis Phone: (705) 653-1140 Ext. 2193

Lawyer Referral Service
Call an LRS member lawyer and receive a 30min free consultation.

Not sure the type of legal help you need?

Call our office and our staff will help to guide you. Our telephones are answered
every Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Phone us at: 905-373-4464 | Toll-free: 1-800-850-7882

This site is designed and operated by the Northumberland Community Legal Centre for your information purposes only.  It is NOT intended to be relied on as legal advice. Any use of or reliance on this site, the contents of this site or the information provided through this site shall be at your sole risk.  NCLC updates in the information on this site as often as possible, but makes no representation or warranty of any kind regarding this site, the contents of this site or the information provided through this site.  While we make best efforts to verify all information provided on this site, there is no guarantee of accuracy.

Please Note:
Contacting the Legal Centre by email does not mean that we represent you unless we have agreed to do so and a retainer has been signed. Unless you have already retained the Legal Centre, no information in an email will be considered confidential. Please do not send information without first contacting the Legal Centre by phone and getting consent.