Services / Legal Rights
The Northumberland Community Legal Centre provides, confidential legal assistance, at no-charge for many types of issues. We can help you with housing (tenant’s rights), Ontario Disability, Ontario Works, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, worker’s compensation, Employment Insurance, employment standards, human rights, employment law, wrongful dismissal, wills and powers of attorney, forms completion, seniors’ law. If we don’t practice in a certain area, we can help you find other resources to help.
If you need assistance in French, please let us know. Under the French Language Services Act, you have the right to use French to communicate with the government and to receive services from the government. We have sister legal clinics that will assist in providing summary legal advice and legal representation in French.
We also have translation services for a wide range of other languages.
The NCLC has satellite offices in Bewdley, Brighton, Campbellford and at Northumberland Fare Share Food Bank every other week. Please call us to arrange a time to meet us there.

You are in the right place!
The NCLC offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL legal services. If your legal issue is time-sensitive, do not delay!
Call us immediately for assistance. Our telephones are answered every Monday to Friday from 9am to 5 pm.
Phone us at: 905-373-4464 | Toll-free: 1-800-850-7882
The Northumberland Community Legal Centre is part of The Help and Legal Centre of Northumberland.
The Help and Legal Centre of Northumberland is a registered charity (Reg. No. 88894 3198 RR0001)
We gratefully accept donations to further our work.
For details of all of our good works in 2021, please click here to read our Annual Report 2021
This site is designed and operated by the Northumberland Community Legal Centre for your information purposes only. It is NOT intended to be relied on as legal advice. Any use of or reliance on this site, the contents of this site or the information provided through this site shall be at your sole risk. NCLC updates in the information on this site as often as possible, but makes no representation or warranty of any kind regarding this site, the contents of this site or the information provided through this site. While we make best efforts to verify all information provided on this site, there is no guarantee of accuracy.
Please Note:
Contacting the Legal Centre by email does not mean that we represent you unless we have agreed to do so and a retainer has been signed. Unless you have already retained the Legal Centre, no information in an email will be considered confidential. Please do not send information without first contacting the Legal Centre by phone and getting consent.